You can use signatures to automatically insert text in the messages you send. For example, you can create a signature for business e-mail that includes your name, job title, and phone number. Or, you can create a signature for personal e-mail that includes only your name. A signature can also include text other than your name; for example, you can include a quotation, your company's slogan, or boilerplate legal text.
In Microsoft Outlook Express, you can create as many signatures as you like. Then, you can either choose which signature to insert in an individual message, or choose a default signature to insert in all of the messages you send from a specific mail account. You can also add a signature to your random list. When you choose "random" instead of a specific signature, Outlook Express inserts a signature from your list at random.
Inserting a signature in a message
Specifying a default signature
Adding or removing a signature from your random list
Inserting a signature in a message
Specifying a default signature
Adding or removing a signature from your random list
If you insert a formatted signature in a plain text message, the signature appears as plain text. | |
Insert a signature in a message
Specifying a default signature
Adding or removing a signature from your random list
Inserting a signature in a message
Adding or removing a signature from your random list
Add or remove a signature from your random list
Inserting a signature in a message
Specifying a default signature